Jan. 22, 2022

The return of the passion

Nick returns with James who has made his return to the world of hunting this season. James was an avid hunter and being busy with baseball a a kid made it tough to hunt so he stopped. This year he rediscovered his passion and is now working on his hunting skills. We also talk about how the season is going this year for birds. 

New to Battle Born Duckers?

Dec. 5, 2020

The invite

On this episode of the Battle Born Duckers we talk about how we invite new hunters into the blind and how you can ensure you get an invite in the future. We talk to Josh that met Brian and his son while they were walking out ...

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Oct. 3, 2020

Episode 4 Ruby Marsh Duck Hunt with Ricardo and Morgan

On this episode Ricardo and Morgan join Brian and Ron to talk about the northeast Nevada duck opener trip to the Ruby marsh WMA. Along the way we talk about some pasts hunts and the proper preparation to deal with adversity d...

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Sept. 18, 2020

Ally's Antelope hunt with Blaine

Join us we talk to Ally and Blaine as they tell us about her first hunting experience working to harvest an antelope. Ali brings a unique view to the table as she has never been around guns or hunting. So relax and take a tri...

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